
Do you ever support your ludicrous statements with sources? I suppose if you did, they would just be some janky conspiracy site anyway. Thanks for sparing us, in that case.

What year did this program start?

BiBi Netanyahu is the greatest threat to the United States right now. NATO is not far behind. You have no idea what a multipolar world will mean (or unipolar not …

How many native Americans traveled from the west coast to the Rocky Mountains before Europeans brought horses to this country? Big elk, smaller elk. I’ll remind you again that I …


Plenty of blame to go around. Trump is simply the greatest threat the United States faces right now. The other Major Party (Republican) is actively undermining American Democracy. We lose ……. Analyst on French tv. Putin is the Adolph Hitler of our day. And Trump is in his pocket!

The lack of remorse is totally in the field of play for the judge to consider as an influence in the sentence. Trump has really shit himself in this aspect. …

We don’t have a sarcasm font. The United States was attacked by Trump minions egged on by Trump so emotions run high. I assume “keelhauling” was an expression of contempt …

Absolutely prison. 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months. Something, please. It is a (snicker, chortle) no brainer. Weekends, some damn thing for this truly evil caricature of a human being. …

But that’s all nothing compared to say making deals to delay the release of American hostages to influence an election. Or say, selling arms in violation of an embargo to …

A lot of them say because he understands them. They hold the same traits he embodies. As a trump “man’s man” screamed at us during COVID “I’m not a sheep”. …

There is a star wars movie tonite at Rohnert Park in Fortuna

Telling every kid I knew in school how great it was going to be. Then going to school the following Monday…

Why wouldn’t they know differences? Rude.

Which is odd because he and his businesses have been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits I just read. Seems some of it would have filtered in to his psyche. Said …

Either way, the animal is weakened because it is stuck in the snow.

I don’t know, I’d have to go back and read it. You do know sarcasm is sometimes hard to decipher on internet threads, right?

Holy shit, there’s someone on here that’s actually been paying attention.

No it’s historical facts. The us has armed other nations (including Iran and Israel) since the 50’s at least. I don’t know how we can’t consider the atomic bomb on …

Not completely fair, but nice try. Participation trophy. The really juicy Trump cases got delayed for any possible judicial principle they could concoct by SCOTUS and Judge Cannon in Florida. …

Russian troll?Actually, that’s not correct. Putin has no intention of stopping at Ukraine. Zelinsky would peacefully live out his days with his fellow countrymen within his national borders.

Arkley’s no saint either, but I do like the performance center and the Lumberjack Arena.

He’s more of a plagiarizer and a bully than a liberal (and a human trafficker according to the Northcoast Journal). He just relies on liberals to channel tax dollars to …

Don’t forget to get your Trump Bible, MAGA condensed version. Only 8 Commandments, they took out “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery “ and “Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.”

Elk is great but that old bucks meat is not the prime desired quality.

More of Newsom trying to appeal to voters in Texas and Oklahoma.

No Holiday Special with Chewbacca’s family? Especially his father Itchy and son Lumpy?…

Rob Arkley should take a lesson from Dan Johnson on how to be a developer.Dan Johnson is willing to put the time and energy in seeking out CA Tax Certificates …

Sure, but Harrison Ford was insufferable as the borish pursuer as was Luke Skywalker as the whiney child. Most of the movies are barely watchable, but the shows are decent. …

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