Sunrise7:03 a.m.
Sunset7:39 p.m.
MoonWaxing Gibbous
High ???
Low ???
Tide 2.6 @ 3:14 a.m.
5.7 @ 9:08 a.m.
0.7 @ 3:46 p.m.
5.5 @ 10:26 p.m.
Year to date27.80”
Normal YTD33.11”
Last year YTD15.08”
TODAY’S FORECAST w/ Sarah Godlin

You really got a raw deal, dear Monday, the way the Mesopotamians ordered the seven day cycle and stuck you in first. For two millennia you have been the eldest child of seven. The one with the work ethic that makes all your brothers and sisters straighten up when they see you coming. The least popular, the most feared, you, poor Monday, need a break from yourself.

Sarah Godlin

© 2025 Lost Coast Communications

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