
They didn’t just detain her, they transported her to the jail. Would have been easy enough to sort out on scene, especially since she was *livestreaming at the time*

i can’t believe those criminal protesters would do this. they’re out of control.

It’s worse than that. From their own website, a “challenging” plan to increase four year graduation rates for first time freshmen from 14% to 30% to acceptance rates, more like …

You think the police are always in the right when they arrest someone? Lol.

Freedom of the press is a constitutional right and further protected by state law, it doesn’t matter that they weren’t local.

That’s Henderson Center. Rosewood is south of Harris Street.

you mean when a netanyahu-funded group carried out an attack that the IDF knew was coming, did not prepare for, then sent rookies with equipment meant for warzones that killed …

if a protest doesn’t cause inconvenience and interruptions, then it’s not a protest. that’s the point, that’s the source of strength, that’s the method of action.

This is a good informative page:…Toxins rise and fall in samples, when they hit a certain level they shut it down while it’s on the rise.

You know why it won’t happen again, because Cal Poly won’t be getting students. The university is never going to divest, and they are rejecting the main tenets of the …

Pen Sehr.Short for Pendragon, so he’s the King Crab.

Probably not- i would figure they are more concerned with not dying by starvation or being murdered by the bombs we sent them.But i am also sure they must be …

They do have to show credentials

Where was your concern for children on October 6th?

Lol, I’m sure Emory and Humboldt are the talk of the town all over Gaza.

A fair amount of them were alum from my understanding.

Used as cannon fodder perhaps.How cynical of those kids to thank the people who are trying to save their lives. Wow- the hypocrisy of these kids just disgusts me.I’ll bet …

No- that was the university administration. But civil rights charges for them works for me! Excellent idea. Wrong-way Corrigan level ability to aim.

fire him!

Yes, yet you posted anyway. Despite how embarrassing it is for an armchair quarterback to give advice to those who take action. At least you appropriately titled your post with …

So your point appears to be an eye for an eye and one murdered child for another murdered child?That is a degenerate arithmetic!

I think i understand your point, but i think there are two sides only not the sides you mean.The wrong side is the one killing innocent kids and other non-combatants. …

I agree it could be, but it is the cops that are at risk from having unvetted people on site when they are busy with their work.

Then it would be a like a State sanctioned news source, wouldn’t it?Slippery slope, letting the cops decide who they want to trust.

A bunch of people were clam digging last weekend. Don’t you think those were probably toxic too?

Lol 😆

Only if it’s a lawful order… which will no doubt be worked out in court.

We are here primarily because this is too small a “news market” to rate a halfway decent newspaper. Is it still the absolute last resort for out-of-town TV and radio …

TSA detects 6,737 firearms, of which I’d guess none were placed in luggage by terrorists. There are a million and one ways to take over an airplane if a group …

Since you think you know so much, you know LE can exclude the press from a crime scene. This was clearly a crime scene.

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