
Very well put

No one is killing babies, ma’am

“anything less than bribery payouts (hush money)”Nobody does that like the fossil fuels industry does. They own the GOP. This is how good they are at it. They learned how …

Don’t worry , after a couple of bleach suppositories you’ll be good as new…

Seems like a good segue into H5N1….

—————————- “Most batteries will become available for second use at the end of the expected PEV service life of approximately 15 years. NREL studies show that these batteries—with as much …

An extractive industry? How? The tons of materials needed for the entire clean energy transition are estimated at less than half the tons of coal mined EVERY YEAR. And they …

He lost the majority and the Electoral College put him in because people in rural Wisconsin and other areas are better than you and me so their votes are weighted …

Yes, and today’s (5-16-24) print edition NYT has a piece about more and more high-dollar executives swinging back to Trump after denouncing him in the recent past. What is heart-breaking …

This is not a large energy project, compared with the fossil fuels industry. What is needed to make it happen is beefed up transmission to and from the area. The …

and why are we just hearing about this now?

I’ve been working full time in old town/downtown for 40 years. I can confidently say you’re full of bull poopoo

Sad . The trinity is cold this time of the year still and the history of this river doesn’t look promising for this young man . Wishing for a miracle.

This may be the first time I’ve seen “Carlin’s Ghost” show any sense of humor.

Many of these polls are pretty lame. But this one was pretty funny :-D Sign me up for buying the 80 acres!!

As the child of a polio victim, RFK, Jr. can fuck right off. His statements about the polio vaccine were egregiously inexcusable and proven false. He can fuck right off. …

Now I’ve got the damn jingle stuck in my head.

If you think there is a parking problem in Eureka, you have clearly never been to any other city anywhere else in America.

The things I see when I look through the old pending posts file. LOL

It’s called perception.

Lots of assumptions here.

Born and raised in the mid-west. Did not taste Coors until after family move to California. The kids called them “animal beer” because there were animals on the labels and ……

At this point it seems more like an acknowledgment of reality than some ground shaking decision.

You should actually get to know the families, organizations, business owners, and workers in the area and how valuable and practical their services are to the entire community. Your lack …

Maybe the city wouldn’t have a problem if they, I don’t know, built some parking lots like every other city everywhere else in america

Did they ever find the last one?

I’ve lived and seen men walk on the moon, Star Trek revived, rovers on Mars, and the reclassification of marijuana. Yes, I have lived.

Honesty and integrity from City of Arcata staff. Doesn’t seem like you should need a governing majority to do that, but this ain’t the People’s Republic of Arcata anymore. Congratulations …

Hopefully enforcement will prioritize violations that actually create a safety hazard, e.g. blocking crosswalks and fire hydrants, unauthorized parking in handicapped zones, and parking on sidewalks. I don’t particularly care …

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