WEED FEED / John Ross Ferrara / Monday, Oct. 9, 2017 @ 10:18 a.m.

Weed Feed: Colorado Bans Edible Shapes That May Appeal to Children, Gov. Brown Strikes Down Similar Legislation in California


A new Colorado law designed to prevent children from accidentally ingesting cannabis edibles by restricting kid-friendly shapes went into effect this month.

Under House Bill 16-1436, edibles sold in Colorado are no longer allowed to be shaped like humans, animals, fruits or cartoons, the Cannabist reports.

The legislation comes a year after researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus conducted a study which determined that accidental marijuana exposure increased among children after the state legalized recreational pot in 2012.

A creepy political ad by the organization Smart Colorado.

Newsweek reports that geometric shapes like stars are still allowed, but the THC potency must clearly be labeled on the product’s packaging.

Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed similar legislation in California on Friday. The proposed bill would have prevented edibles in California from being shaped as people, animals, insects, or fruit, on the grounds that children may confuse them with regular candy.

The LA Times reports that Gov. Brown said that the bill conflicted with existing California laws, and that he would not be able to sign the bill as it stands.

“As currently drafted, this bill would chapter out specific provisions in the recently enacted trailer bill,” Brown stated in his veto message. “Therefore, I cannot sign it at this time.”


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