Sky and Kristine—summer of 2010 along the Rogue River.

” We love sky please put him up for people to remember his warm character” accompanied these photos in my email.  So this post is for Christopher Sky Richardson who was brutally murdered Sunday, March 13th.

But this post is to celebrate his life.  If anyone wants to send pictures, I’ll post them.  Add stories about his life to the comments or send them to me mskymkemp @gmail. com and I’ll post them.

The top picture was taken Spring of 2008.  The bottom Halloween of 2007.

May we find a way to treat each other kindly.

UPDATE: Searching for ways to celebrate a life in the midst of multiple tragedies, a woman named Meghann contacted me and offered these reminisces of Sky. She started hesitantly—groping for words. “He was a real awesome person,” she said.  Then paused for a long time.  “He was amazing.  We hung out together in high school. His mom is…everyone is just devastated. [Some time ago,] we went on a road trip from Corvallis to near Sacramento to an all night party.” The experience, she says, was life changing.  It should have been a memory they shared for a long time.  He was that kind of friend that would always have been a friend, she says.  He had a “dream  to live in the middle of nowhere and live on the land.”  So he bought a piece, she said.  “And he was happy there. He loved nature.  He dreamed of carving a life there.  He was a great guy and he didn’t deserve this.”

Eventually Meghann said that a friend told her that he thought that Sky was “the good part of him that got away.  He was good enough for two people.”

The call stumbled to an end. Broken pieces don’t have a smooth finish.

UPDATE2 : SKY MEMORIAL SERVICE—-the 27th at the Summit Town Grange at 2pm.


Also in one of the other posts, the other victim was identified as Kristine Constantino from upstate NY. I’ll be happy to put up a post for her and another for the two heroic Gunds if folk want to send photos and stories. One has been put up here.

Another story has gone up at the Redding Searchlight which has a few more details of the murder.