Over 50 books on mental illness— many of them for children— have been donated to the Humboldt County library in memory of former Salmon Creek resident and son of Ron and Molly Sinoway, Josh.

Josh Sinoway, who was known for his wit and passion as well as  his pain, overdosed accidentally in the summer of 2008.  Funds that were donated in his name to NAMI Humboldt (National Alliance on Mental Illness) provided the necessary money to purchase the books. A name plate in each will acknowledge Josh. Though the books are not yet available (they must be cataloged and shelved), the plan is to put up a display in the library soon.

Here is a list of some of the selections for young readers- Eli the BiPolar Bear by Bracken; How To Be Yourself in a World That’s Different:An Aspberger’s Syndrome Study Guide for Adolescents by Yoshida; My Anxious Mind: A Teen’s Guide to Managing Anxiety and Panic by Tompkins;My Kind of Sad: What It’s Like to be Young and Depressed by Scowen.  There were be books for adults also.

Out of pain, may some receive hope and comfort.


UPDATE: Originally this post said that Josh had taken his life.  I was wrong.

Picture provided by Molly Sinoway