Press Release:

The Garberville Redway Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has been debating the future of the 4th of July Picnic since August of last year.  The wonderful celebration and fireworks display has become a true annual community event, but while everyone enjoys the spectacular display there has been a slow down in donations and the number of volunteers has dropped.  Faced with these facts and other considerations the board discussed canceling the event for 2012.  They have instead decided to move forward with the fireworks, but they need your help. 

 There will be some changes this year, notably, the fact that the Chamber will not be hosting an event at Benbow Lake State Recreation Area, instead focusing all their energy on putting on the fireworks display.  Anyone planning to picnic in Benbow will need to pack their own food as the Chamber will not be hosting food or beverage booths. 

Even without the community picnic aspect of the holiday, the event is a big undertaking.  The Chamber must collect $12,000 to cover the fireworks contract alone, additional parking and security staff are being required this year as well.  Without more community involvement and support the future of the event is uncertain.  Volunteers are needed for setting up signage and cones the morning of the event and for breakdown the next day, but our biggest need for volunteers comes during and immediately following the fireworks.  Security volunteers are needed to ensure that no one enters the drop zone until it is cleared and Parking volunteers are needed to assure that observers can leave Benbow in an orderly fashion. 

Without volunteers this event isn’t possible, if you are interested please call Dee at 923-2613.  Mail your donations to PO Box 445, Garberville, CA 95542 or drop them off at the Chamber Office located in the Redwood Drive Center.