In 2013, we’ve all caught on to the fact that exactly half of the term “reality television” is just an all out lie, si? Sure, it can be a fun lie. For example, you should feel no guilt for appreciating Duck Dynasty‘s golden moments of staged hickness. That show is great, period. But what it ain’t is real.

Which brings us to your Humboldt YouTube clip o’ the week courtesy of the fabulous Tip Top Club. Humboldt’s only gentlemen’s club has produced a three minute teaser for a reality show concept it hopes to pitch to famemakers highlighting the zany antics, colorful characters and relational drama they endure daily. Here’s an excerpt from the proposed premise:

The Fabulous Tip Top Gentlemen’s Club is now owned by its star dancer, Michele, who runs the club with her boyfriend (and father of two of her three children), Josh. As Head of Security and Operations, Josh and his life-long friend Max (Senior club manager) are perpetually dealing with a local contingent that only Humboldt could produce — from wanna-be gangsters to pot farmers, not to mention the club dancers, ranging from granola “girls-next-door” to self-proclaimed divas. Factor in the wacky veteran Deejay “T Rex,” (who can’t seem to keep himself away from relationships with the dancers), and you’ve got a recipe for perpetual drama.

Sure, great. Give the clip (below) a look. The production value’s‘ may not be up to A&E standards just yet. Why could it succeed? ‘Cuz this thing is full of beautiful, staged trashiness. Some highlights:

A hoodied patron is informed by Tip Top security that his tab for the evening has grown to a questionable $2,025. We’re gonna assume that he didn’t have it since, after briefly rummaging through his pockets, dude breaks for the trees.

“Aww, not the woods again!” club manager Max exclaims! This happens all the time, you see.

The Tip Top’s resident DJ, T. Rex, is shown leaning over the side of a docked boat fishing his possessions out of the water. Why? Because dancer Dark Justice hurled them over the side! When will that wacky guy learn to stop dating his colleagues?


The hoodied guy is back! He’d like to square up with the house by floppin’ a weed filled bag on the counter.

Dude. Tip Top don’t play that, bro. Nice try.

There’s more nuggets for those who press play. But what’s most important is this: If you are a TV producer, the Tip Top Club would like to hear from you. Call them, maybe.

The Tip Top (Reality Show) Teaser video