In this edition of Flatmo’d, the Lost Coast Outpost‘s weekly show of support for local artist Duane Flatmo’s continued hand motions, our hero uses one of his famous coaster canvases to warn any rodents considering scurrying into his beloved brewery.


Speaking of supporting Duane’s artistic endeavors, one of his other visual pursuits El Pulpo Mecanico is being revamped for its latest journey to Burning Man. El Pulpo is approaching its $12,000 Kickstarter goal — funds raised will go toward a new truck base, transportation to and from the Playa at Black Rock City, Nevada and fuel for the seven day spectacle the kontraption hopes to provide festival attendees.

If you’d like to help push Flatmo and the rest of the El Pulpo crew’s Kickstarter over the hump, visit their Kickstarter page. Let the video below influence your decision. Burn on, Duane.