UPDATED 9 P.M.: LoCO Super Friend Mark McKenna tipped us off to the Facebook page of Eureka native, Josh Keppel.  Keppel, a cameraman for NBC Bay Area, gave LoCO permission to post his Facebook status including the photo above. He wrote,

I’ve been across the water from Asiana Airlines 214 for many hours now. Here’s what I’ve gathered from our coverage: Boeing 777 aircraft from South Korea was too low on landing approach, pilot tried to pull up and tail hit the end of the runway, broke off and plane spun out of control. 291 passengers on board, 16 crew, 2 women died, 10 people in critical condition at SF General, 2 of them kids, 181 transported to hospitals. First commercial crash with fatalities at SFO in 70+ years of airport’s existence. Just in: 123 uninjured, 61 USA passport holders, 306 people on plane.

Keppel’s station has multiple stories up about the crash.  Read more here.


Original post below————————————————————————————————-

A passenger plane from Seoul, Korea crashed into the runway at the San Francisco International Airport a little before noon today.  SF Gate Twitter is reporting that ” All access to SFO is closed except emergency personnel.” Readers should check with airlines about flight times being delayed or rescheduled. Go here for more information.

Photo here taken by David Eun, a passenger: