PREVIOUSLY: All Past Humboldt Approved Winners

From the point we’re asked to “Please Wait To Be Seated,” until the check hits our table we are, for better or worse, at the mercy of restaurant wait staff and the care, expertise and give-a-damn (or lack thereof) they bring to their profession. For this week’s Humboldt Approved we’d like to highlight the better.

So tell us, Humboldt: You all eat food, yes? Which of the many stars in our local restaurant sky shines the brightest in terms of service? Whether, to you, that means your water glass in always filled, the recommendations you’re given are spot on or your food is consistently actually what you ordered, you’re making the “best” call here.

We’re looking for “metro” and “rural” winners this week and, just in case, we’ll distinguish that we’re looking for food-serving establishments. Be reminded how to vote below: 

To vote, look through the comments of this Humboldt Approved poll. If someone has already nominated the answer you would give for that week’s category, click the upvote arrow. If you don’t see your desired Humboldt Approved answer nominate it in a comment for others to upvote. (Please be careful to not duplicate answers; redundant answers will be deleted and potential associated upvotes will be lost.) Feel free to make your case by replying to/cheering on the answer you love most, but again the number by the arrows is what counts.

Of course, you can vote for as many nominees as you deem worthy, but of course the more you do that the more watered down your initial vote becomes. That’s math.

We reserve the right to delete superfluous comments that make the voting/comment section hard to sift through. Please try not to get offended when your comment battle reply is deleted. We’re trying to do something here.

We are looking for two winners — one winner from the metropolises of Eureka and Arcata, and one from Humboldt’s smaller communities. Voting closes next Friday at noon and soon after a winner will be declared. (Tip: Sort comments by “BEST” to get a better grasp of how voting is trending.)

Don’t wait! Honor a local wait staff!