National Guard helicopter carrying a bucket of water to the Lodge Fire on Thursday afternoon. [Photos by Uti Deva.]

The Lodge Fire in northern Mendocino is now at 70% containment. It has burned 12,346 acres so far. According to Cal Fire, “Crews continue to focus on containing spot fires within our contingency lines; steep slopes and rugged terrain are making access difficult.”

The fire will continue burning within firelines for some time. Smoke may diminish air quality in the Ukiah Valley so those residents should watch for Air Quality alerts.

Cal Fire said that crews and equipment “will continue suppression repair efforts on the north and west side of the fire.”

Meetings for Laytonville and Leggett communities are being held Sunday at noon in the Leggett Valley School and at 2 p.m. at Harwood Hall in Laytonville.

CAL FIRE stated that it and all “the Cooperating Agencies would like to thank the entire community and local businesses for their overwhelming support and hospitality.”

Click here to see a satellite view of the fire.

National Guard helicopter dipping into the Eel River.

Flames crept to the bed of the Eel River on Thursday.