Consider this a preemptive boom report. 

LoCO is getting word that the Humboldt County Parks Department are going to (or may already have) blow up a dead, rotting redwood in the campground at Swimmers Delight today. Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office lieutenant Steve Knight confirmed to KHUM radio that the bomb squad was on site to make sure all tree-blowing up safety precautions were taken. Apparently, lumberjacks were initially asked to remove the tree, but due to its size and level of rot that plan was deemed unsafe.

Now of course, because LoCO readers love science we’re putting a call out to anyone who might be out Highway 36 near Swimmers Delight to take photos/video — from a safe, reasonable distance, please — of this giant tree going kaboom and send it our way. ‘Cuz science. 

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UPDATE, 1:12 p.m.: Tree down! KHUM’s Mike Dronkers spoke with Hank Seemann, deputy director of public works for the County of Humboldt, who was at ground zero. Listen below.

(AUDIO) Tree Kaboom

The tree had been showing new cracks and groaning since last April. It’s 12-foot circumference, but only half of that wood was supporting the tree. Yesterday’s attempt was unsuccessful, but today they dropped the tree. Said Seemann: 

“We garnered increased awe for these trees. All the signs were, it was ready to come down. But it wanted to stay one day longer.”