Juicy scoop over at The Lumberjack this morning. According to the student-run newspaper, an former HSU employee has filed a lawsuit alleging that HSU Athletic Director Dan Collen and Director of External Affairs Tom Trepiak took fishing trips to Alaska — aka “an alumni and booster function” — on the school’s dime. 

To accompany the piece, The Lumberjack snagged some seemingly related photos off Collen’s Facebook page, including the one below.

(Above: Collen, blurry guy 1, former HSU Prez Rollin Richmond, blurry guy 2. Photo taken from Collen’s Facebook album “Alaska Fishing Trip”)

The suit was filed by former HSU Sports Information Director Danny Pambianco who says he faced “fear and intimidation” for revealing to colleagues his knowledge of the alleged improper usage of funds. Both Collen and Trepiak deny the allegations.

For lots more details, head over to The Lumberjack’s website to read Diover Duario’s whole piece

In completely unrelated news, an HSU employee who wished to remain anonymous sent the Outpost the following photos this morning. Or maybe they are related: