Saddle Fire map.
SADDLE FIRE: The Shasta-Trinity National Forest is reporting a small increase in the size of the Saddle Fire, which burns out of control between Highways 299 and 36 near Hyampom. Forest managers are now pegging the fire at 1,000 acres in size, and zero percent contained. NorCal Interagency Management Team 2 takes over command of the fire tomorrow morning at 6 a.m.
No new evacuations have been called for since last night, though one stretch of Lower South Fork Road between Big Slide Campground and Manzanita Ranch is still under mandatory evacuation orders. The town of Hyampom has been placed under “advisory evacuation.” The Red Cross is setting up an evacuation center at Hayfork High School.
BALD FIRE: The 20-acre blaze between Orick and Weitchpec, which has been managed by Calfire, is now 100 percent contained.
The #BaldFire is now 100% contained. Firefighters will remain at scene through the weekend mopping up hot spots.
— CAL FIRE HUU (@CALFIRE_HUU) June 12, 2015
SIX RIVERS NATIONAL FOREST: Firefighters have almost extinguished the score of lightning-strike fires that broke out across the vast range of the Six Rivers National Forest this week. Press release from Six Rivers HQ in Eureka follows:
Six Rivers National Forest fire management staff has continued to make headway in containing the 20 confirmed lightning-caused wildfires on the forest. These were from the storms that moved through the area on Monday and Tuesday.
“Given the steep, rough terrain of the Six Rivers National Forest, sometimes pinpointing the exact location of a reported fire can be difficult,” according to Forest Supervisor Merv George. “This has been the case of the Dog Fire, which was believed separate from the Mile Fire on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, flights confirmed this afternoon that the Dog Fire and Mile Fire are actually one fire – the Mile Fire.”
Fire activity ranger district by ranger district (north to south):
Gasquet Ranger District/Smith River NRA:
Seven fires, six are contained and are in mop-up or patrol status; Devil, Holiday, Kelly, Kelly 2, Gordon and Cedar. The Prescott Fire in the Siskiyou Wilderness continues to burn and send up smoke. A fire in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness of the Rogue-Siskiyou National Forest is burning in the old Biscuit Fire footprint and is about 3 miles north of the Six Rivers NF as of this afternoon.
Orleans Ranger District:
One fire, the Bear Fire is 100 percent contained at just under 1 acre.
Lower Trinity Ranger District:
Six fires, Hogback, Oak, Brannan, Waterman, Linto and Ladder are contained. The Ladder Fire is within the Corral Fire scar. These fires are in mop-up and patrol status.
Mad River Ranger District:
Five fires, Hetten, Rodeo, Soldier, Green and Peak fires are all 100 percent contained. The Peak Fire is within the Journey Fire scar. Fires are being patrolled and mopped up. A new fire started this afternoon on private property. The Sousa Fire was at 5 acres and burned on national forest lands. The Mad River RD staff worked to contain this fire.
According to Forest Supervisor Merv George Jr., “We have had no injuries. We are really proud of our firefighters and their ability to work on these fires, keeping them small while maintaining safety.”
“This is the first time since the lightning fires in 2008 that all four Six Rivers National Forest ranger districts have had simultaneous fires,” said Public Affairs Specialist Peggi Lawrence. “We have had good resources available to us so we have been able to keep the current fires small.”
Smoke from the 940-acre Saddle Fire on the Shasta-Trinity National Forests has been drifting to the west, being visible in some areas towards the coast as well as the Willow Creek and Hoopa areas.
Fires are also active on the Klamath, Shasta-Trinity, Modoc and Rogue River-Siskiyou national forests.