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The Fourth of July is almost here, a time to celebrate our independence and of course, light fireworks!

Fireworks stands have popped up all over town, selling the safe and sane and reppin’ the red, white and blue. Some have homemade signs, and others, even sign spinners.

In this LoCO Video Report we visit some fireworks stands in Eureka. They tell us which local organizations they’re fundraising for and give us the scoop on this year’s hot items.

Narrow Gate Assembly is a non-denominational scripture study program that helps the homeless. It’s trying to raise money for the renovation of a new location on Wabash, formerly Rita’s Mexican food cafe.

The program’s had a fireworks stand on Fourth Street for the past five years and has everything from the ‘Big Bang’ package which will run you $500, to a big flashy fountain called the ‘Opening Show’ for $70.

Prairie Rist is operating the stand and says “It’s pretty intense.”

Just down the road is Discount Fireworks run by Dean Brashear. It’s a fundraiser for the Pentecost Church of God. A church that has several locations in Humboldt and also one in Crescent City.

He shows off some fireworks. “The Lava Lamp, it’s the prettiest fountain I have. It’s neon, and it takes you back to the, well … I’m not going to go there,” he giggles. “We also give pop-its to all the kids that show up here.”

They’ve even got a free raffle and will host a fireworks block party on Sunday.

Then the faith based residential recovery program, Redwood Teen Challenge, has a prime location off of Broadway. It’s also got a wide-array of fireworks but if you get the $500 Big Bang, they’re going to throw in a jumbo teddy bear that’s currently sitting on top of the stand.

Then there’s smoke balls, lightning flash, the orchid, spiral lite, and many more, which are only a few bucks. 

Another fireworks stand on Broadway is raising money to help with renovation costs of the Veterans Memorial Building in Eureka.

And these are just a handful of the fireworks stands you can visit this year.  

So if you’re looking for some options that won’t break the bank, or if you want to be the life of the party and opt for the Big Bang, local fireworks stands have got you covered. But whatever you buy, remember safety first.