As the saying goes, if you remember the ‘60s, you weren’t really there. But Humboldt County is often a couple decades behind them times. So, if you’ll indulge us, do you remember stuff that happened in HumCo in the ‘80s? Were you at least physically there? Or here, I guess? Whoa. 

We ask because ‘twas between the years 1987 and 1991 that Jerry Garcia thrice played an event called Electric on the Eel at French’s Camp in Southern Humboldt (the current site of Reggae on the River). Look! We googled up these old-ass concert posters to prove it.

Do those ring any hazy bells? Were you there?

Fast forward to modern day. The folks tasked with repackaging the legacy of the legendary Grateful Dead songwriter have put out the call to any hippies who’ve somehow managed to retain memories or photos of any of Jerry’s Eel River performances with the hopes they might maybe be able to use ‘em for a future official release. 

Are you that generous hippie? Would you like to help shape history? Well, then get a hold of Garcia’s people by emailing and let them know what a long, strange trip its been.