THIS WEEK: Your President of Positivity gets absolutely obliterated in a one-sided foam dodgeball match against some of the young pros at the Boys and Girls Club of the Redwoods. Yowch! (Good job, kids!)

Like many local organizations, the BGCR has had to scramble to make up for financial hardships caused by COVID-19. But if dodgeball has taught us anything, it’s that when you get knocked down you have to get right back up (and maybe get knocked down again. But that’s OK). In that spirit, BGCR has two upcoming fundraisers we’ll note:

The Wild Goat Race, Aug. 22: 

This new, online-streamed event will feature goats… racing (shocker). Partial description from the BGCR website:

Essentially, we are going to release some goats on the racetrack and see which goat makes it to the finish line first. There will be no pressure, the goats can take their time, go the wrong way — that is part of the fun. We will have a bucket of grain at the finish line to get them going in the right direction. 

You can participate by purchasing $5 raffle tickets to bet on the goats.

Cruz’n Eureka, Sept. 10-12:

Eureka’s classic car show is still happening in some socially distanced form. Details are still being worked out. (Keep an eye on the BGCR website here for upcoming details.

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