Just when you thought you’d watched all the junk TV your pandemic-oppressed brain could reasonably hope to withstand, here comes the latest fun/dumb docu-series Hulu is hoping you’ll get stoned and binge, this one featuring Humboldt’s two most enduring exports: Weed and Bigfoot. 

If this sounds like your style of numbing agent, we invite you to check out the trailer for Sasquatch, above. Produced by the powerhouse Duplass brothers, the show deep dives into a story some guy heard almost 30 years ago about some NorCal cannabis farmers who were allegedly torn to pieces by the mythical creature. (I mean, who else would do that?!

Here is Hulu’s synopsis:

While visiting a pot farm in Northern California in 1993, investigative journalist David Holthouse heard a story that still haunts him: On a nearby farm three men were torn limb from limb in a savage Bigfoot attack. Sasquatch follows David as he revisits the Redwoods 25 years later, in search of any evidence that might lead to the truth of what happened that night. As he pulls at the threads of this story he’ll be taken down a path that’s far more terrifying than anyone would have imagined.


In a sign that Hulu knows what they have here, all three episodes of Sasquatch will be available to stream on April 20.