Frances Marie Richardson, born January 19, 1934, passed away on February 25, 2024, at age 90.

Frances was from Santa Cruz, but after becoming a Sister of St. Joseph and nurse upon her graduation from high school, she lived in many cities in California where the Sisters of St. Joseph had hospitals. She lived in the convent at St. Joseph Hospital in Eureka for several years while she worked as a nurse there. While she was a nurse, she was frequently called on to provide nursing care to patients who were having a hard time during their stay at the hospital because she had an innate ability to know how to reach those patients.

Frances left the Order of the Sisters of St. Joseph in her 50s, and moved to Home Health as it began its start in Humboldt County. While she was a Home Health nurse, Frances drove for many years to small towns across Humboldt County to give nursing care to patients in their homes.

After she retired, Frances stayed in Eureka at Seaview Mobile Estates on Humboldt Hill. Her best friend was Ann Boyd of Eureka, our mother and the reason Frances moved back to Humboldt County. Frances loved working in her yard, and every year grew quite a lot of vegetables and fruit. She loved that she had a view of the ocean from her home. She was a creative person. talented both as a painter and in making craft items from wood.

Frances was full of life and personality, and was always interested in, and had strong opinions about, world events. Frances was at Granada Convalescent for the last few years of her life. She remained a devoted Catholic until the end, and has now reunited with her loved ones. We miss her.


The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Frances Richardson’s loved ones. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.