Jon Yalcinkaya asks No on R (Don Smullin, Eureka Chamber of Commerce)

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Why should tax payers pay for business' costs such paying a wage that will cover everything including food and medical insurance?

Last year McDonalds suffered a small public relations disaster when a budget for their minimum wage workers became public.

How many minimum wage earners who work for Chamber of Commerce members depend on CalFresh or Medi-Cal public assistance programs to make ends meet?  Has a survey ever been done?   Would your members allow local press access to their workers to conduct such a survey?

I don’t think it is possible for most Eurekans to survive with a family on $9 an hour without public assistance programs.  I also don’t think it’s the taxpayer’s responsibility to pay for what should be an employer’s duty - to insure their employees earn a living wage.  If an employer can’t pay this minimal amount and we as a society allow workers to make less than the absolute minimum needed to earn a basic living with food, health care and God forbid the ability to buy a home instead of rent, well, then, don’t you think something big is wrong with our system?

Don’t you think that businesses should pay for their costs and not externalize those costs to the taxpayers?


The McDonald’s budget….

— Jon Yalcinkaya