concerned voter asks Arnie Klein

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Seeing how no one dares answer the most important question facing this county, maybe you will. Do you consider meth and heroin the single biggest problem facing the county? If so, what do you intend to do to stop this problem?

— concerned voter


Arnie Klein

When I was in Tulare County, I held the position of Major Narcotics Prosecutor. I went after meth labs and the transporters of meth, heroin and ecstasy. We called this “white dope.” I actually went in the field against instructions and would go to these dangerous labs where the fumes could injure your lungs or the lab could explode. I’ve had extensive training in this arena, sometimes on a military base where armed personnel were present to prevent any interlopers. At these trainings, experts from around the world would address us on how to approach the major issue of meth and its explosion throughout the land. When I am elected DA, I will develop a citizen and police task force called CAML, Citizens Against Meth Labs. 

The idea of this joint task force between civilian personnel and law enforcement would be to have eyes and ears throughout the county to find the purveyors of meth. When we catch them, we will prosecute them to the fullest extend of the law. The community is a victim in these cases, as are the users of this highly addictive drug. Meth destroys people, family, businesses, and just about everything else it touches. 

I announced my intent to create this task force in March.