Akasha asks Sharon Latour, Ryan Sundberg

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Dispensaries and growing regulations

What kind of regulations would you favor for the marijuana industry in this county?

— Akasha


Sharon Latour

We need regulations that respect Humboldt’s small-scale farming , the loud call for safe communities, and ongoing efforts to prevent environmental damage. We need open and thorough dialogue about what scale of production and what practices are acceptable within our communities so that law enforcement resources can focus on community safety. It’s time for robust dialogue between farmers and their affected neighbors.

Cannabis cultivation is large part of the culture and economy of Humboldt County; but the lack of clear and enforceable regulation has led to increasingly severe community unrest and environmental problems. Ultimately, I believe that the State needs to take the lead on a comprehensive conversation, so all counties have uniform guidance currently absent.  As Supervisor I will work with all our people to clarify community values on this topic, and work with partners to assert these values in Sacramento. While the State needs to take the key legislative leadership role, Humboldt County needs local leaders who will bring the discussion into the open, and model solutions based on clear, comprehensive, and enforceable ordinances.