Brian D. Roberts asks Yes on A — Cannabis Reform Initiative Proponents

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Sustainable upgrades

I have a small 10,000 sg ft farm. You are proposing a 24 hour notification for inspections. How am I suppose to go to trade shows and other industry functions if I am suppose to be on call within 24 hours for an inspection? What was the purpose of adding that language in the measure instead of a week in advance?

— Brian D. Roberts


Yes on A — Cannabis Reform Initiative Proponents


If Planning calls and says we will be there tomorrow you will have to say that you will not be there or you are already out of town.  My guess that the response will be “when will you be back.”

The warning time is in line with what other businesses live with.  Restaurants, dairies, and other services are under similar regulations.  When one has a legal business one has many rules to follow.