Bryan asks Rex Bohn

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Reflecting on your 2019 Yes vote on the Terra Gen Wind Farm proposal

Have you reflected on your 2019 yes vote for Terra Gen’s proposal that would have necessitated clear cutting and road construction swaths up steep slopes to access the wind farm sites?  Would you support a similar project today?

— Bryan


Rex Bohn

I realized back then that we needed to focus on local renewables. Carbon neutral now with proven technology not waiting 15 years on what might happen.  Do not get me wrong I support offshore wind 100% but we need to achieve fossil free energy locally now or that was my feeling over 4 years ago. If another project were to come along include the local tribes earlier and more inclusively to avoid issues that are facing off shore as well. Would I support today not sure I can evaluate the issues that would come from it. If we could have worked out something for all involved in 2019 we would be energy independent now with private monies. That did not happen so lets move forward positively to do our part for clean energy independence