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C to F Street Design Charrette Public Kickoff Meeting

Wharfinger Building

The City of Eureka is embarking on a process to gather public feedback regarding concepts for development for the area behind the boardwalk, between C Street and F Street. The project area is encompassed by the boardwalk on the north, the C Street Market Plaza on the west, Waterfront Drive (1st Street) on the South, and F Street Plaza on the east. During the last week of July, the City will be hosting a series of events and workshops to gather public feedback. On Monday (7/27), the City will host a workshop at the Wharfinger building at 5:00pm. The workshop will include presentations of the site’s history, analysis of the site’s constraints, explorations of the site’s opportunities, and discussion.

  • Free
  • Phone: 707-441-4160
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