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Candlelight Vigil for Danielle Nemetz (Rippeon)

McKinleyville High School

Last week, the Lost Coast Outpost reported on the tragic shooting death of former local girl Danielle Nemetz (née Rippeon) in Washington state. Now, a candlelight vigil is scheduled to take place at McKinleyville High School — Danielle was an alumnus, graduating in 2012. 

In an update from last week’s post, today the Pierce County Prosecutor’s Office officially charged Skyler Nemetz with the murder of his wife

Below is the event’s description taken from its associated Facebook page:

We are inviting everyone who knew Danielle Nemetz (Rippeon) to come join us in a Candlelight Vigil Prayer and Moment of Silence at the McKinleyville High School Football Field on Sunday October 26th at 7PM. We would like people to bring their own candles in a cup if they can. We will provide candles to anyone who shows up without one. Erik Garcia will be leading as Master of Ceremony and Dylan Venema leading us in the Prayer/Moment of Silence. If anyone would like to speak everyone who want’s to will be given the opportunity to do so. It will be open mic. We would like everyone who speaks to be POSITIVE and share stories and uplifting memories of Danielle. Michayla Sue Yingling is making picture collages and would love more photos and help. If you want to make a collage, poster or bring pictures please do so. Anyone who would like to come help us set up, I will be there at 6pm getting things ready. Rain is “likely”. It would be a good idea to bring umbrellas, pop up canopys, rain coats, wear warm clothes, bring kleenex, bottled water, a warm heart, etc. Any further questions, concerns or if you would like to help in any way, please feel free to contact me. Please share this event with all your family and friends. Thank you.


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