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Night Of The Lepus (1972)

Arcata Theatre Lounge

The best in B science fictions movies, drive-in classics, psychotronic weirdness and more. A free raffle before the feature include some very cool, very strange science fiction prizes including figurines, posters, books, cards, VHS movies and more for that inner science fiction enthusiast in us all.Sponsored by Savage Henry MagazineScrap HumboldtPhantom Wave Records, Daisy Drygoods,Vintage AvengerTin Can MailmanThe Clothing DockMEAT Clown Buttons, and more.

They were born that tragic moment when science made its great mistake… now from behind the shroud of night they come, a scuttling, shambling horde of creatures destroying all in their path.

Arizona rancher Cole Hillman (Rory Calhoun), dealing with massive rabbit overpopulation on his land, calls on a local college president, Elgin Clark (DeForest Kelley), to help him. In order to humanely resolve the matter, Elgin brings in researchers Roy (Stuart Whitman) and Gerry Bennett (Janet Leigh), who inject the rabbits with chemicals. However, they fail to anticipate the consequences of their actions. A breed of giant mutant rabbits emerges and starts killing every human in sight. ~ Google.


  • $5

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