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Fourth Friday Flix: Die Hard (1988)

Eureka Theater

It’s two days after Christmas. The presents have all been opened and returned for store credit, the leftovers have been mostly polished off, and the relatives have fled. You feel the need for…a little payback. Join us at our post-Boxing Day screening of the original Die Hard, and let the not-yet-bald John McClane remind us of the true meaning of Christmas—high-octane action and smart-ass wisecracks. And because the last thing anyone wants to do right after Christmas is spend a whole lot more money they don’t really have, admission to this screening is a budget-friendly $0.99! So drop the kids at Grandma’s, scrape up some change from between the sofa cushions, and come on down for an adult beverage (over 21, of course, so bring I.D.), some popcorn and some hot Willis-on-Rickman action! Yippie-ki-yay…well, you know.
Blu-ray, 132 min.
Rated R


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