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Godwit Days Sunday Events

Locations Vary

Celebrate the Marbled Godwit and explore the lush Redwood Coast. Observe many bird species and wildlife through our selection of field trips, lectures, workshops, and boat excursions led by experienced local guides.

To register, go here.

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SU61 Marbled Murrelet Field Trip 2 - $12 5:00am - 8:30am
Leader: Moe Morrisette 
Discover the endangered and mysterious Marbled Murrelet, set in dramatic redwood old-growth forest with a local biologist. This trip to Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park near Orick is for early birds! (Carpool, 90 miles round trip) The dawn chorus, including Varied Thrush, and Pileated Woodpecker, accompanies pre-dawn flights of the murrelets. These birds are usually seen only in flight. Plenty of other redwood forest birds can be enjoyed. 

SU62 Hoopa Forest Wildlife – Woodpeckers, Grouse and Quail - $12 5:30am - 11:30am
Leader: Dawn McCovey 
With the help of a local biologist, the elusive Ruffed Grouse has been located on past field trips. Northwestern California forests are the only place in the state where the Ruffed Grouse is regularly found. The Hoopa Tribal lands just north of Willow Creek have a rich and diverse natural wildlife and human culture. (Carpool, 120 miles roundtrip. Truck or SUV recommended.) This trip may also encounter Sooty Grouse, Mountain Quail and other forest birds. 

SU63 Dawn Chorus-Arcata Marsh Field Trip 4 - $6 6:30am - 8:30am
Leader: Meghan Still, Annie Meyer
This pre-breakfast trip is planned to catch the dawn chorus in full swing at the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary. Birds are on the move at this time, so there will be plenty of birding action. The willows will have songbirds singing and the reed beds will have chattering Marsh Wrens and possibly rails. The leader will explain all vocalizations, from the straight-forward Mallard quack and California Quail “Chi-CA-go” call, to the more intricate sparrow calls and chips. This trip is for everyone and will provide an introduction to the skill of birding by ear.

SU64 Pelagic Tour 3 - $100 6:30am - 3:30pm
Leaders: Rob Fowler, Daryl Coldren 
Aboard the Shenendoah, Pacific Ocean pelagic birds — including Black-footed Albatross, shearwaters, Cassin’s Auklet, Sabine’s Gull, and jaegers — are expected. Marine mammals such as migrating gray whales, dolphins, and sea lions are likely. Rough seas will cancel this trip; registrants will receive a full refund. This boat trip meets in Eureka at the Woodley Island Marina (map will be included in registration packet). 

SU65 HBBO Bird Banding Field Trip - $10 6:45am - 11:00am
Leaders: Kim Hollinger, Josee Rousseau 
The Humboldt Bay Bird Observatory was established in 1982 by Dr. C. John Ralph and Dr. Carol Pearson Ralph. HBBO is adjacent to the Lanphere Dunes Unit of the Humboldt Bay NWR, bordered by Mad River Slough and coastal dune forest. This variety of habitats supports a high diversity of bird species. Bird populations and demographics have been monitored at the station continuously since 1982, making the HBBO one of the longest-running stations in the nation. Education and volunteer programs provide the opportunity to observe and learn about birds, bird monitoring, and research techniques. 

SU66 Humboldt Bay Boat Tour 4 - NAC 7:00am - 8:00am
Leader: Bob Rasmussen, Humboldt Baykeeper
Humboldt Bay supports mud-flat loving shorebirds and wading birds at its tidal edge. While in deep water channels, kept open for boat traffic, fish eating grebes, cormorants, scoters and mergansers occur year round. Expect to see: Herons, egrets, loons, grebes, shorebirds, and deep water ducks. This trip meets at the Eureka Public Marina next to the Wharfinger building at the start time (map will be included in registration packet).

SU67 Humboldt “Big Day” Field Trip 2 - $35 7:00am - 5:00pm
Leader: Scott Carey, Mary Severdia
Join the Big Day team as it attempts to exceed the 100 species mark! Travel up and down the coast visiting our area’s best spots. This year, the Big Day groups will be smaller than in previous years, so there is a better chance for all participants to see or hear the species tallied. Prize for the most species seen between the Saturday and Sunday Big Day trips will be presented during the Sunday Evening Social. This is a fast-paced field trip, making several quick stops to record as many species of birds as possible. Many times, you will not wander far from the bus provided for this trip, which includes a box lunch (vegetarian choice available).

SU68 Horse Mountain/High Elevation Habitats Field Trip - $15 7:00am - 12:30pm
Leader: Jim McIntosh
Head to Horse Mountain (about 30 minutes inland) to search for montane species such as Townsend’s Solitaire along the higher elevations (4500 feet) reached on Forest Service Route 1 (Titlow Hill). Bring a lunch and expect beautiful scenery! There may even be some snow on the ground, but that never discourages the Mountain Chickadees.

SU69 Shorebird Spectacle at the Marsh - $12 7:00am - 12:00pm
Leader: David Fix 
Witness the spectacle as flocks of thousands of shorebirds become tens of thousands, then form a huge milling swarm as the last of the mud flats by the old wharf footing get covered. The birds then fly off low over the bay toward the west. North Humboldt Bay is a shorebird staging site clearly of hemispherical significance. 

SU70 Birding by Ear-Beyond the Basics Workshop/Field Trip - $12 7:30am - 11:15am
Leader: Dave Juliano 
Designed for birders who already know common bird vocalizations. Work on recognizing group vocal characteristics of wrens, thrushes, and others. The focus of this particular session will be on the Wood Warblers. The classroom and field trip will work on both identifying unfamiliar birds to group and differentiating group members. (Reference event #37 for Basic course.) 

SU71 West Coast Specialties - $20 7:45am - 3:00pm
Leader: Tony Kurz 
Highlighting species that tend to only occur on the West Coast, this trip is great for those visiting from the East Coast. Of course, locals will enjoy this trip as well, possibly finding new appreciation for the regular visitors to their own back yard. 

SU72 Del Norte and Tufted Puffin Field Trip - $20 7:45am - 5:00pm
Leader: Keith Slauson
This trip begins with a scenic drive north through the redwoods to Crescent City. Rendezvous at Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park with participants from the Marbled Murrelet trip (reference event #61). The harbor and rocky shore support an array of birds, including Tufted Puffin on Castle Rock, the West Coast’s third largest seabird colony. Visit Alexandre Dairy for shorebirds and Lake Earl for waterfowl. Point St. George could reveal some sea life; here, as at Castle Rock a spotting scope is recommended. We will be hoping for a distant Tufted Puffin. This is one of the few places in California where this bird can be viewed from shore.. 

SU73 Blue Lake and Organic Farm for Wildlife - $12 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Leader Paul Lohse 
Over the years Paul has developed his organic farm in Blue Lake and has always considered providing for wildlife as part of his plan. As an experienced birder Paul keeps us updated on species he encounters on his farm which is ideally located adjacent to the natural riparian forest along the Mad River just outside Blue Lake. The mixed chickadee flocks can be impressive as they move through the cottonwoods that skirt his property. Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Allen’s Hummingbird and possibly White-throated Swift should be seen. Located on the edge of town the riparian corridor along the Mad River is integrated into the rural urban interface to provide some of the most diverse habitat in our area. 

SU74 Big Lagoon Kayak Bird and Wildlife Watching 2 - $65 8:00 am - 11:30 am
Leader: Henry Vargas & Nate Bublitz, Northcoast Adventures
Big Lagoon County Park borders Patrick’s Point State Park on the south and Humboldt Lagoons State Park between Trinidad and Orick. Explore the lagoon and view shorebirds and wildlife from the water on this pristine Lagoon. Depending on weather conditions we hope to paddle up Maple Creek from the lagoon and may see Roosevelt elk from our kayaks. Call Hawk at 707-443-5157 with questions. This event meets at Big Lagoon at the start time (map will be included in your registration packet).

SU75 Fern Canyon Ecology Field Trip - $12 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Leader: To be confirmed 
Fern Canyon is a beautiful spot tucked into the Redwood Coast in Prairie Creek State Park. A walk in from the beach reveals dramatic canyon sides covered with varieties of ferns. Forest birds can be heard and possibly an American Dipper can be found in the creek. This walk takes you through the trickling creek, so rain boots or river shoes are needed. This incredibly enchanting canyon is worth the wet feet! 

SU76 Mad River Rafting - $60 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Leader: Michael Charlton, Redwoods and Rivers Rafting
Van transportation and equipment provided. Local conditions provide great spring rafting. Flows are usually up and sunny spring days are not unheard of. Up-close and stealthy is the best way to describe bird watching while rafting on the Lower Mad River. Rivers are natural wildlife viewing corridors because they create prime habitat for numerous species of birds. Floating along the river in a raft is quiet and tranquil, allowing viewers to spot birds comfortably and quietly. Most wildlife, especially birds, are relatively unperturbed by rafts and can often be approached to within a few feet. Each raft holds 3 to 6 participants and is guided by one of the professional river guides of Redwoods and Rivers Rafting Company. The Lower Mad River is a great starting point, with rapids ranging from Class I to Class II (beginner’s level).

SU77 Trinidad Bay Kayak Bird & Whale Watching 2 - $65 8:00am - 11:00am
Leader: Hawk Martin, Humboats Kayak Adventures 
Paddle with the certified guides of Humboats Kayak Adventures on a tour of one of the West Coast premiere kayaking destinations. Trinidad cove is a gathering point for Gray Whales migrating with newborn calves north to feeding grounds in the Bering Sea. We paddle seaworthy tandem kayaks. Wetsuit, life jacket, and all necessary gear included. Prior kayaking experience is helpful but not necessary. Call Hawk at 707-443-5157 with questions. This trip meets in Trinidad at the Seascape restaurant parking lot at the start time (map will be included in your registration packet).

SU78 Arcata Marsh Field Trip 2 - FREE 8:30am - 11:00am
Leader: Pat Bitton
Join a regular RRAS marsh walk volunteer for this Audubon walk at the crown jewel of birding on the North Coast, the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary, where over 300 species of birds have been recorded. A leisurely paced trip introducing the Marsh birds is perfect for anybody with an interest in nature. Terrain mostly flat, but may be wet.

SU79 South Spit Humboldt Bay w/ Snowy Plover - FREE 8:45am - 11:45pm
Leader: Jesse Irwin, BLM
Visit the remote southern peninsula of the opening to Humboldt Bay, an important location for Brant and Snowy Plover. Interpretive discussion of these species by a BLM biologist will accompany the birding. This is a drive/stop/poke around field trip. The group will caravan and stop at selected locations along the South Spit with short walks from the car. Participants have the option of participating in a 1 mile round trip guided walk on sand and dunes to visit a Western Snowy Plover habitat restoration project.

SU80 Kids’ Birding Field Trip - FREE 9:30am - 11:30am
Leader: Mary Burke
This field trip is designed for the young naturalist, between the ages of 4 and 12, accompanied by a responsible adult. An introduction to birds, how to use binoculars, and identification tips will precede a leisurely walk around the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary practicing what the youngsters have learned. Ends at the interpretive center with the interactive displays. . 

SU81 Binoculars & Scopes Lecture - FREE 10:00am - 11:30am
Speaker: Out of This World, Discount Binoculars
This talk will introduce the many types and uses of optical aids. Get essential information about types, field of view, focus distance, magnification, high-density glass, and jargon related to birding optics.

SU82 Dragonfly Workshop – Arcata Marsh - $6 11:45 am - 2:00 pm
Leader: Sandra Hunt Von-Arb 
This class will provide insight into the pastime of dragonfly watching, in the context of their habitat needs. A delightful slide show with “macro” views of these winged wonders will take place at the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center, from where the ponds can be explored for potential examples and a habitat discussion. 

SU83 Lanphere Dunes Field Trip 2 - FREE 12:00pm - 2:45pm
Leader: Friends of the Dunes 
Enjoy the dynamic dunes ecosystem and associated rare and endangered plants. Formerly a Nature Conservancy property, the dunes are now part of the Humboldt Bay NWR. The coastal spruce forest supports flocks of chickadees and other migrant passerines. Terrain is sandy, steeply undulating terrain; wear closed-toed shoes. 

SU84 Humboldt Bay Kayak Ecotour 3 - $40 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Leader: Hawk Martin, Humboats Kayak Adventures
Focused on Indian Island, this true “ecotour” by kayak presents the wildlife and incredible rookery of Humboldt Bay as well as the Native American history of the Wiyot tribe original inhabitants. Great Egret, Snowy Egret, Great Blue Heron and Black-crowned Night-Heron fill the trees and loons, grebes, and waterfowl are on the bay. Plus, thousands of shorebirds line the water’s edge. Call Hawk at 707-443-5157 with questions. This field trip meets in Eureka at the Woodley Island Marina Dock A (map will be included in your registration packet).

SU85 Bird Photography and Digiscoping - $6 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Leader: Steve Ingraham
This workshop will demonstrate the practice of “digiscoping” which uses a digital camera to take pictures through one’s spotting scope. This allows many great close-up shots to be taken. . 

SU86 Wood Bird Carving Seminar - $30 12:15 pm - 4:00 pm
Leader: Jim Burcio & Bob Solari
Join master carvers from the Pacific Flyway Decoy Association for a four hour carving seminar. All of the necessary materials, including a study guide and the best knives on the market, will be provided. Short lectures with lots of hands-on carving will enable you to complete a White Breasted Nuthatch, Black Capped Chickadee, or an Acorn Woodpecker. Topics include where to get your supplies, how to use reference material, wood selection, and how to use hand tools and power tools. This workshop’s fee includes a one-year membership in the Pacific Flyway Decoy Association. Must be fifteen years or older.

SU87 Spotted Owls Field Trip 3 - $20 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Leader: Green Diamond Resource Company 
Visit excellent spots to observe Northern Spotted Owls in their nesting habitat. Offers superb photographic opportunities, as the owls have become accustomed to human presence over the years they have been studied. The owls may be seen roadside, but more likely will require a hike along a short but possibly steep forest trail. 

SU88 Mad River Slough Kayak Tour - $45 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Leader: Hawk Martin, Humboats Kayak Adventures
The Mad River Slough offers some of the best and easiest paddling in the region. Located in the northern most tip of Humboldt Bay, this water trail has an easy put-in/takeout point and offers miles of wilderness paddling. The sounds of ocean waves echo across the dunes just west of the slough. Great Blue Herons and egrets stalk fish at the water’s edge. Croaking frogs and flitting dragonflies entice one to kickback and float lazily with the tide. Wonder and discovery wait around the turn of every bend in the slough. Call Hawk at 707-443-5157 with questions. This kayak trip meets in Eureka at the Woodley Island Marina Dock A (map will be included in registration packet).

SU89 Warblers Workshop: – An Introduction - $6 3:00 pm - 5:00pm
Leader: Rob Hewitt 
From the everyday Yellow-rumped Warbler to the vocal Yellow-breasted Chat, this group of birds always pleases. This diverse group of birds unique to the New World will be explored in an introduction to the Parulinea. 

SU90 Sunday Evening Social – NAC 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Hosted by: Plaza Grill 
Join us for the Big Day award (current record 133 species) and a recap of festival highlights.


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