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Godwit Days Tuesday Events

Locations Vary

Celebrate the Marbled Godwit and explore the lush Redwood Coast. Observe many bird species and wildlife through our selection of field trips, lectures, workshops, and boat excursions led by experienced local guides.

To register, go here.

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TU97 Birding Arcata Marsh and Surroundings - $6 6:30am - 9:30am
Leader: John Oliver 
The greater Marsh area including the Oxidation Ponds will be visited early to get the best birding action. Shorebirds and ducks are present in numbers and the variety of other “little birds” is great. The footpaths boast the tamest Golden-crowned Sparrows around. This pre-breakfast trip is planned to catch the dawn chorus in full swing at the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary. The Brackish Pond is part of the expansion of the Marsh project and we will check here before heading out along the V Street Loop and the Arcata Bottoms. 

TU98 NE California Lava Beds (Day Two) - previously paid 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Leaders: Rob Hewitt, Chet Ogan 
Located in the heart of the Klamath Basin refuge system we will bird the auto-tour routes before breakfast back at the lodge. We have seen Wilson’s Phalarope, Franklin’s Gull and Tricolored Blackbird in the past. Then we head out via Tule lake, the petro cliffs (11am), Mammoth Crater, and the Lava Beds south on Hwy 139 towards Ash Creek. Reconnected with Hwy 299, you can head for home or join us on our new trip to Lassen County for Sage Grouse. Rock and Canyon Wrens, Townsend’s Solitaire, and Pygmy Nuthatch will be new passerines, while Great Horned Owl and Prairie Falcon will hopefully be tending their cliff-top nests. 

TU99 Birding Trinidad - $6 10:30am - 3:00pm
Leader: To be confirmed 
The Common Murre colony on “Flat Iron Rock” will be in full swing. Trinidad Harbor will be checked. The Seascape restaurant on the dock can provide a good seafood lunch. Cliff-side scoping, some hiking. Expect loons, murres, scoters, Pigeon Guillemot, Brandt’s Cormorant, Pelagic Cormorant, and possibly Black Oystercatcher or Surfbird.


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