Ellen Komp, Cal NORML’s Deputy Director and denizen of SoHum listed the most under-reported pot stories of the year for Cannabis Culture.

10. Medical Marijuana Smoker Wins the Iditarod

For the first time, Iditarod mushers were tested for marijuana this year, possibly a policy targeted at three-time champion Lance Mackey, a cancer survivor open about his use of medical marijuana to combat pain. Mackey won the grueling race in March, despite having both knees injected with synthetic cartilage and his right arm still healing from a major operation to fix a staph infection.

9. Reagan’s Grandson Wanted on Pot Charge

A judge issued a warrant in March for the arrest of former U.S. president Ronald Reagan’s grandson for failing to answer a charge of marijuana possession. Cameron Reagan - the son of radio and TV personality Michael Reagan -

was pulled over for speeding in Malibu, California in November 2009, and officers allegedly found the pot while searching his car. Ronald Reagan’s wife Nancy kicked off her “Just Say No” to drugs campaign in 1984.

For the rest of her list, go here.


Hat tip to David Downs of Legalization Nation for pointing out the story.