Anna Hamiltion, local Talk Show host, wants to work with local business people, growers, medical marijuana patients etc. to discuss ways of dealing with the probable coming change in the North Coast’s economy.  According to her, legalization will happen and this area needs to do what it can to prepare.

She is doing a presentation today at the Garberville rotary about the situation. Business people in the area are aware of the danger to our area’s financial stability and she is working with them to garner ideas for the prepare for legalization movement currently being called What’s After Pot (WAP).

On the 23rd, the group (currently meeting Mondays at Calico’s) will hold an inclusive forum for the community to come together and coalesce around strategies for dealing with the looming emergency. The group has already contacted NORML and is hoping to shape the language in any legalization bill to minimize any harm to the small non-corporate grower.

All are invited.  See poster above for details.

Eric has a conversation going here. He will be moderating the forum.