This is from a flyer currently being passed out at the CalTrans office by protesters.  The tone of the bolded part concerns me.  The rest of it is reasonable disagreement.

When as a society will we stop using ugly hyperbole to make points? (I include myself in this.) This hyperbole is intended to infuse others with anger and fear. We need to move beyond that as a society and as individuals.

UPDATE: Forest Defender said at 4:00, “Six protesters are locked together in metal pipes in the CalTrans lobby, surrounded by dozens of supporters. The lobby has been occupied by protesters for about three hours.”

Also  Ryan Burns has an excellent, informative piece with photos here.

UPDATE2: Law Enforcement has draped the protesters with tarps and put goggles on them as they cut the pipes.  Rumored to be locked down are Jeff Muskrat and someone I’m fond of, Will Druid. This has yet to be confirmed though.

UPDATE3:   The Times Standard Facebook page is saying that 12 people have been arrested.