Yesterday’s lockdown in the lobby of CalTrans ended hours of peaceful protest against the straightening of Hwy 101 at Richardsons Grove.  Above, Will Druid on the left and Jeff Muskrat on the right are the last two of a protest circle to be cut apart and arrested by officers.

The day started with about 120 protesters waving signs and chanting gathered in front of the CalTrans office in Eureka.  Here,  they group up for a photo op.

Fairly quickly the lobby of the office was occupied and, almost immediately after entering, 6 people chained themselves together and to the stair rail.

At 5pm, the officers formed a wall and forced the unchained protesters from the lobby.  The officers then covered the windows with yellow plastic sheeting.  Then they covered the protesters with orange tarps and fitted them with goggles to protect them from the band saw the officers used to cut the pipes.

According to sources inside the building the officers maintained professional and calm attitudes during all the times they were witnessed by the sources.  There were no uses of taser seen either.  But the sound of the electronically locked door being held forcibly open made a sound very similar to that of the taser.

UPDATE:Forest Defender published a video and some excellent photos from inside the lobby at the protest.  Here is the video. I recommend turning down the sound.



Photos on my blog by unnamed source