Stanislaw Kopiej

UPDATE: The  Times Standard’s Thaddeus Greenson notes that the son of Stanislaw Kopiej, Stacio Kopiej, was arrested earlier this month and charged with transportation of marijuana.

In Humboldt’s latest big bust,  where an entire United Nations’ cast of characters were arrested, Stanislaw Kopiej and his wife, Nathida, “face charges of felony child endangerment after officers reportedly found pictures of their children with marijuana plants,” states today’s Times Standard. Thaddeus Greenson, the story’s writer, also reports that”the bulk of defendants in court Monday were simply trimmers, but said they have been charged with possession and cultivation under ‘constructive possession.’ ”

Trimmers being charged is relatively unusual. There was a the case last year in Mendocino where 7 trimmers were charged.  And another where 9 were charged.

For those following the story, the Times Standard piece contains many solid pieces of information. I recommend it.