BOOKED,” our daily rundown of all arrests in Humboldt County, just got a pretty great upgrade: Now you can click on the crimes under which the arrestees are booked to get the full text of the law they are charged with violating.

So, for instance: Say you see a “BOOKED” listing such as the following.

What is “PC381(b)”? It’s a section of the California Penal Code that the arrested person has been charged with violating. But what does it mean? Click it and up pops a box giving you the text of that law:

Click the code again to close the box.

Right now this works with charges pertaining to the California Penal Code, the California Vehicle Code and the California Health & Safety Code — the great majority of all cases for which people are arrested. It doesn’t yet work with the federal or municipal codes, which sometimes land people in the pokey, nor with other sections of California law.

PREVIOUSLY: Introducing! BOOKED: Your Who’s Who Guide to the Humboldt County Jail