In February your Lost Coast Outpost clued you in to the existence of the mighty, 24/7 Humboldt Bay Eagle Cam. Hopefully you’ve been able to live productive lives since then. Now it will be slightly more difficult.
Today we reached peak Eaglemania with the hatching of a by-all-counts-adorbs baby eaglet. Watch some canned video of baby and mama papa interacting below or glue yourself to the live Eagle Cam stream to find out which way baby tilts its head next! And keep watching! Egg numero dos could reveal more cute at any minute!
OOPS UPDATE 11:27: The eagle enthusiasts over at the Humboldt Bay Eagles facebook page have informed LoCO that we don’t know jack about bald eagles. That is not mama eagle in the nest. It’s papa, which is inspiring because, as Furious Styles tells us in Boyz N the Hood: “Any fool can make a baby, but only a real man can raise his children.”