Fortuna Press Release:

While many Humboldt residents were gathered in their living rooms watching Super Bowl XLVI XLVII, law enforcement officers across Humboldt County were out in full force removing impaired drivers from our roadways in an effort to make Humboldt County roadways safer for all who use them.

This year, there were a total of three impaired drivers removed from our roadways on Super Bowl Sunday. This is two down from last year’s total of five.

“Throughout the afternoon and evening, officers contacted numerous motorists and many were found to be designated drivers for their intoxicated passengers” said Sgt. Charles Ellebrecht. “It’s great to see people making the responsible choice to not drink and drive.”

In past years, Super Bowl Sunday has ranked as the second most dangerous time of the year for drunk driving fatalities, just behind New Year’s Day.

The next Avoid the 7 DUI taskforce operations are planned for St. Patrick’s Day (March 17, 2013).

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.