Two weeks ago, your Lost Coast Outpost shared press releases chronicling a pair of marijuana grow busts (shocking) that occurred in Fieldbrook on Wiregrass Ridge Road. (See “Fieldbrook Arrests Lead to Marijuana and Meth” and “Another Big Bust in Fieldbrook—1449 Growing Plants Plus Leaky Generator, etc.“) We do that here. 

But not so fast! Is the Wiregrass Ridge Road identified in the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office press releases really in Fieldbrook? LoCO reader/Fieldbrook defender Lisa Samarron wrote us to call BS and take issue with the fact that her community was getting a bad rap by being associated with such activities. She even sent us in a Google maps screen shot to show us how far away the two locations are from one another. 

We present her concern below:

To Whom It May Concern,

Wiregrass Ridge Road is NOT in Fieldbrook! It is much closer to Titlow Hill and Willow Creek. Also, the Mad River Beach Smash and Grabber Anthony Wayne George does not live in Fieldbook according to a friend who knows him. On our Face Book Group’s, “Fieldbrook Neighborhood Watch’ and ‘Everything Fieldbrook’, not one person knows of Mr. George living in Fieldbrook.

These two stories within a week are making Fieldbrook look bad. We have a very friendly, peaceful and safe community here. Sure, we have our moments but for the most part the criminal intent comes from outside Fieldbrook.

Our Fieldbrook market will be opening soon. We are excited about our new management and do not want any unwarranted “news” to detour visitors from visiting our wonderful community and newly revamped store and deli.

I am also posting most of this letter to the comments for the July 11 2013 story, ‘Fieldbrook Arrests Lead to Marijuana and Meth.’ The comments to be posted have been reviewed and approved by members of the Face Book Group, ‘Everything Fieldbrook Caifornia’.

In case you can’t tell, we love and are very proud of our little community here in Fieldbrook.
Please be a little more careful when associating us with your news stories.

I have attached a Google Earth photo to show the distance between Fieldbrook and Wingrass Ridge Road

Thank You For Your Time,
Lisa Samarron
Fieldbrook California

Couple notes: Lisa wrote us back to say that she later heard that Mr. George did live in Fieldbrook years ago — maybe he never changed his address, she theorized. Also, that is not the map Lisa sent us above. (See hers here.) We made this one to show what Google considers the borders of Fieldbrook’s census designated place and the approximate location of one of the busts mentioned above. Interestingly though, when we plugged in the address to get the purple marker, it listed it as being (gasp) in Fieldbrook, CA.

We’ll leave it to y’all to decide the spiritual borders of Fieldbrook.