UPDATE, 9:29 a.m.: Suspect named (PHOTO)


UPDATE, 9 a.m. Monday: The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office is promising an update later this morning.


UPDATE, 2:45 p.m.: A description of the suspects in the case, as sent out over the scanner at around 1:22 p.m.: Black female adult, 25-30; white male adult, 25-30 glasses, possibly armed with crossbow. Audio below:


UPDATE, 2:05 p.m.: Friend of the Lost Coast Outpost Eric Kirk posts on Facebook:

Lockdown at redwood coast montesori in manilla. Cromags attacked someone on samoa highway and ran into the dunes. School fundraiser had to move inside. Heavy police presence

(Update to the update — A person associated with Redwood Coast Montessori writes to tell us that an officer asked everyone at the event to move inside, but that the event was not actually “on lockdown.”)


UPDATE, 2:02 p.m.: KIEM News is confirming reports that one of the victims was killed.


UPDATE, 2 p.m.: Lost Coast Outpost commenters were on the story as early as an hour ago.


UPDATE,  1:53 p.m.: The Times-Standard reports that police are looking for two people — a man and a woman — who are suspected of having shot one or more people with a crossbow, perhaps fatally. At least one victim has survived, according to scanner traffic; police are on their way to the hospital.


At 1:30 p.m., your Lost Coast Outpost witnessed half a dozen law enforcement vehicles posted on Highway 255 just north of Samoa Bridge. As many officers were walking in a line off the highway toward the sea, with assault weapons raised. They were being led by a police dog.

A little further south of this, a few officers stood around a coned-off section of highway shoulder. Near their feet were several blood-soaked items of clothing. Another officer was providing traffic control. The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office and the California Highway Patrol were on scene.

And that’s all the information I have at the moment, though I’m going to try to get more now. Stay tuned.