Details are still emerging in this unfolding story. The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) is investigating an armed robbery. Female suspects are accused of having used a knife to take unknown property at a cabin near Trinidad. Law enforcement had a vehicle detained in the Moonstone Beach area as of a few minutes before one this afternoon.

Lt. Steve Knight, spokesperson for the HCSO explained that not much information was known at this point. “It is still real early,” he said. The important thing, he said, is that nobody was injured in the alleged robbery. 

Law enforcement is attempting to locate another vehicle associated with the incident. As soon as more information is available, we will update.


UPDATE, 4:10 p.m.: From the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:

On 04-15-2014, at approximately 11:45 a.m., the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office received a call from two adult female victims who said they had just been robbed at knifepoint. Deputies responded and met with the victims in the 4900 block of Dows Prairie Road, McKinleyville.

When the deputies arrived, the victims told the investigating deputy they were gambling at Blue Lake Casino when they met up with two females. The victims knew one of the females and asked for a ride to McKinleyville. The two females agreed to give the victims a ride to McKinleyville. While enroute the two females told the victims they needed to make a stop at a residence in Trinidad and drove there first. In Trinidad, the front passenger exited the vehicle, and another female got into the passenger seat. The driver then told the victims she would now drive them to McKinleyville. While enroute to McKinleyville, the driver drove the victims onto Dows Prairie Road. The driver stopped the car in the 4900 block of Dows Prairie Road. The female who just got in the front passenger seat of the car in Trinidad, then turned around and brandished a knife at the victims, while demanding money from them. The victims gave the suspect their money and a cell phone. They were then able to escape the vehicle and run into the brush and hide. After the vehicle left they called the Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies searched the area for the suspects’ vehicle, a 1995 Red Mitsubishi Eclipse, and located it parked at Moonstone Beach. Deputies also located a female in the vehicle who told them it was her car, but she was not involved in the robbery. The victims were brought to the scene and confirmed the female the deputies had detained was not one of the suspects. Deputies are currently working to identify the two female suspects. No one was injured in the robbery.

Anyone with information for the Sheriff’s Office regarding this case or related criminal activity is encouraged to call the Sheriff’s Office at 707-445-7251 or the Sheriffs Office Crime Tip line at 707-268-2539.