Last night’s episode of the PBS Newshour featured a segment on the hot topic of the day — the “medical” marijuana industry in the Humboldt County backwoods, and how it does or doesn’t compound the impact of California’s three-year drought.

In the segment — titled “Are marijuana growers sucking California dry?” — reporter Spencer Michaels tags along with a Department of Fish and Wildlife/North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board raid somewhere in southern Humboldt, where they discover a slightly more egregious than usual illegal water-delivery setup.

Elsewhere in the piece, Michaels talks with many of the most prominent names in the debate over legalization, regulation and the impact of weed on the environment — Fish and Wildlife’s Scott Bauer, Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman, Friends of the Eel River Executive Director Scott Greacen, grower Casey O’Neill, and others.

Watch the whole segment below: