LoCO is proud to present the second episode Studio Space, KEET-TV’s 13-part series profiling some of the numerous artists who’ve chosen to rely on Humboldt County to provide a backdrop for their creative pursuits.  

In this edition, host David Ferney enters the studio of Steven Vander Meer who utilizes 3x5 cards for his intricately hand-drawn animations. Later, host Kati Texas ventures out into the magical realm of metal sculptor Dan McCauley, whose work regular LoCO readers may recognize as the adornments of downtown Rio Dell. Watch below!

Studio Space is made possible, in part, by funding from the California Arts Council. Episodes will be available to watch free online for a month after their original air date. (LoCO plans to post the episodes here for your convenience too.) After that grace period, you’ll need to become a sustaining member of KEET to access ‘em. To learn more, head over to the Studio Space website and for more info on how you can support local programming like this, head on over to KEET.org.