A writer was asking me for terms specific to marijuana growers in the Emerald Triangle.  Here are some of the ones I’ve thought of.  Got any to add?

potstitute—a negative term for a woman who likes to have relationships with wealthy growers

quad-a four wheel motorized open vehicle similar to a motorcycle often used for transportation to and from marijuana gardens

patch—outdoor marijuana garden

The Knights of Toyota—well heeled young growers often indoor

scene—where marijuana is cultivated

trimmer—one who cleans marijuana

manicurist—synonym for trimmer

Humboldt Honey—hippie chick often dressed unconventionally in cotton or hemp clothing and generally with unshaven legs and armpits

Indo —Indoor grown marijuana

diesel dope—marijuana grown off the electric grid with diesel generators

shake—waste leaves, stem, etc of trimmed pot

cabbagy—used to describe a bud that is extremely leafy and usually hard to manicure

salad—mix of different strains etc. usually less desirable

trim—the short sticky leaves removed or “trimmed” from a marijuana bud

headshop—where marijuana paraphernalia can be bought

grower—marijuana farmer

homestead—often used to indicate a small home in the hills where marijuana is often but not always grown

Camo Cowboy—usually an outdoor grower (see this CD)

marijuanaries—a high end business place much like a winery envisioned for some time in the future where different pot strains  will be cultivated and processed much like grapes are now