Portillo and daughter. File photo.



From the Humboldt County Central Democratic Committee:

The Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee (HCDCC) voted to donate $500 to the cause of Claudia Portillo. HCDCC Associate member Billy Cook was able to gather further cash donations in the amount of $160 and members also made several hundred dollars in donations to Claudia’s GoFundMe.

Claudia Portillo has been missing from her family for seven months. During a routine check-in appointment in November 2017, Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents unexpectedly detained Ms. Portillo and imprisoned her 555 miles away from her four daughters in the privately owned Mesa Verde ICE Processing Facility in Bakersfield, CA. We encourage you to learn more about Claudia’s story online. As members of the Humboldt County community we want Claudia Portillo back home with her family and community where she belongs. After waiting seven months for any good news, Claudia’s family was just given seven days to raise funds to travel to her bond hearing this Monday, June 18th, and to pay for her bond.

We encourage the community members of Humboldt County to help and support Claudia’s cause. You can donate at:
