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UPDATE: NO TUESDAY NIGHT POWER SHUTOFF: Improved Weather Conditions Mean Electricity Will Flow to Humboldt, Says OES

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The information we’re getting about when the power will or won’t be shut off and turned on may not be reliable or consistent, but hey! There’s plenty of it!

Defying predictions and official statements, the vast majority of Humboldt County remains fully powered as of this writing. The county Office of Emergency Services is now saying that PG&E is now saying that Humboldt County will start losing power at 7 p.m. 

Is that true? Who can say? 

Will it start coming back on Wednesday afternoon, as has been forecast? Who the fuck knows?

Make sure you’re prepared for the power to go out at any moment and remain out for days. Then, grab yourself a grain of salt and enjoy the latest from the Humboldt County Office of Emergency Services:

Recent PG&E updates have offered clarification as to the anticipated loss in power for Humboldt County. The county continues to remain within scope with a revised estimated time for power loss to begin at 7:00 pm this evening.

Information from PG&E has been inconsistent and ever-changing.

Residents are encouraged to prepare for loss of power to occur at any point and to remain out for another night. The estimated time for the weather “all clear” is currently at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, October 30th. Full restoration may require an additional 48 daylight hours after the “all clear” is provided.

The rest of the message is the same as the last one, which can be found here.