Election 2018 > Eureka Ward One > Caroline Brooks
Caroline Brooks
Ballot Statement
I have lived in Eureka’s Ward 1 with my husband and 2 children for over 15 years. I attended both San Diego State University and Humboldt State University. I am currently a commissioner on the Transportation Safety Commission.
I am no politician. I am just like you. I live in our neighborhood. I deal with the theft, used needles in the yard and trash, just like you. Ward 1 has been hit especially hard by these dynamics. I am running for City Council because I am a concerned citizen not seeing a lot getting done in my neighborhood. I want to be your voice for Ward 1 to the City of Eureka and Humboldt County. We have been forgotten for way too long. We are a small city with big city problems, we need someone who will take the concerns of our neighbors and be willing to do something about them. I am that person.
I worked for Social Services for 10 years and have encountered all walks of life. I saw many clients become employees. I want to see that spirit in all of Eureka. Those who are attempting to help themselves deserve the help they receive. I strongly believe in our community resources but also believe there must be a limit. I have also witnessed that honesty is not always rewarded when applying or renewing for benefits. I would like to see those truly eligible for benefits receive them and those that simply want a hand out referred to our community partners.
Being a small business owner, I understand what it takes to afford creating jobs, paying taxes and keeping motivated employees. I have worked with the County’s Welfare-to-Work program and hired numerous CalWorks recipients, some in permanent positions. I understand the concept of a helping hand. If elected, I will be a friend to the other small business owners and entrepreneurs to either help keep their doors open or to open their doors.
I want to see Eureka thrive. Top priorities for me are jobs, affordable housing, properly represented taxes, responsible leadership and fiscal responsibility. I will listen to you; I will act on your behalf not my own personal agenda.
I am committed to the task of making Ward 1 a great place to live. I ask for your vote so that I may work with you for the City’s future.
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