Election 2018 > Ward Five > Joe Bonino
Joe Bonino
Notable Endorsements
- Humboldt County Republicans
Ballot Statement
I would like to make this election about an open debate about the council’s actions. All too often the deliberations of city government are unclear until it’s too late to have meaningful input into decisions that affect all 29,000 of us, not just the small few.
My goal is to open the doors of City Hall to all with open debate and discussion of the city’s business. Residents, property owners, business owners, and workers in and around Eureka deserve to know well in advance what or where proposals are being planned for Eureka. Last minute meetings and lack of notice must stop. I, as a sitting member of the Eureka Planning Commission, like many Eurekans, have witnessed such rushed planning and decision making take place.
As your representative I will see to it that “dedicated” tax dollars from tax Measures such as Q & Z are only spent on police and fire protection with excess placed in a special account for future use on police and fire expenses.
As a member of the Eureka Planning Commission I pushed for sensible, equitable, and accommodating policies towards the cannabis businesses in our midst, taking into account the values of the majority of Eureka residents. I’ve had limited success due to the present council’s entrenched views.
While no one wants to see the spread of disease among intravenous drug users, no one wants to see children and citizens being accidentally poked by dirty, discarded needles either. I will find a better way to face this problem than with a non-medically supervised, un-accountable non-profit organization that has lost track of over 25,000 needles.
Homelessness is a problem all over California, but we have more than our share of homeless on our streets. The city council has not tried hard enough to stem the influx of new homeless that find Eureka an attractive place to live, but are taxing our resources.
Finally, I will work to keep H & I Streets, Eureka’s grand Victorian boulevards, as efficient three lane thoroughfares. I will see to it that enforcement, better visibility measures, and more safety crosswalks are built. As an avid bicycle rider myself, I will improve the bicycle trail system throughout Eureka so that families young and old can bike and walk safely all over town.
Please vote for Joe Bonino for a better Eureka on November 6th.
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